Happy Birthday Mama

"It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue, and the pain lessens, but is never gone." My mother gave me life and never once asked for anything in return. That was her secret you know; always giving without expectations. She was as constant as the sunrise, the moon and the stars and I counted on her. She helped me find my way through the years and made me laugh while doing it. There are some things that only a mother can do.
Dear Mom,
This past year and a half without you, has been the most challenging year and a half of my entire life. My life has had so many changes in it, and at times I never truly felt like I could get through them. I still struggle, but you always taught me to keep chasing my dreams and to see the good in the world. You were my angel on this earth and now you're my angel from behind the moon, beyond the rain.
There is no one quite like you. No matter what was going on, battling cancer or losing a loved one, you always managed to have that beautiful smile on your face. Everyday I try to live up to your memory and honor who you were, and who you taught me to be.
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